25 thoughts on “Gladbach’s Christoph Kramer – World Champion & Virtual Champion

  1. Is there a reason that this Bundesliga channel is recommended by the Ea
    Sports Fifa channel? 

  2. I wish the BPL had a channel like this. This channel is the only reason i
    started watching Bundesliga in England.

  3. wow, human trafficking, really? how could he even think about saying that,
    there’s some things you just dont say no matter what, he is not so bright i

  4. im surprised he even knows he won the world cup. after all he asked the ref
    if it was final right before he got taken off

  5. When he joined the WC team and no idea who the hell he was; never heard of
    him or seen him play, and I know a few of the young Bundesliga talents.

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